Former BFV Design Director is finally able to speak freely about his feelings...
We all remember the toxic words from EA/Dice devs prior to the release of BFV but this recent 2021 tweet from Alan Kertz takes the win for the most disgusting coming from Dice/EA as of yet.
This is a very disgusting tweet from a DICE BFV Design Director, and you should honestly think twice before you consider supporting or buying any future BF6 ... EA or DICE games because of it.
How can someone this nasty even get into a leading position at a company if it's not rotten to the core with rotten people already.
“I have better experience”
Was the one who brought the TTK patch in 5.2
Sorry but Alan here clearly doesn’t like the community, if he did care for what WE wanted rather than think his own ideas trump those who actually play the game then we wouldn’t have had the terrible 5.2 patch.
I agree with this.
Whether you agree with Danny or not (I personally don't watch his content) it's a bad look to say something like this.
I feel like DICE has gotten more and more antagonistic and arrogant towards their audience as the series has progressed. I don't remember this level of antagonism back when BF3 and BF4 were around, in fact I remember DICE being awesome to the community with the CTE and the community map design, the Dragon Valley remake, etc.
It's weird how they interact with the community now. The TTK patch sucked and deserved to be criticized. No need for this type of exchange.
Hard to blame him considering this community is utter shit and has been since BF1 brought in all the fucking idiots, COD rejects and petulant kids
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People don't seem to realize that Alan Kertz is literally the one behind the patch 5.2 (shit ttk change) he even said it in this post lol, he also said he wanted to add extra armor to the Assault class which sounds completely overpowered. Context matters a lot guys, this ''BFV Design Director'' is no good.
Also, my opinion on this is that OHK headshots with snipers and revolvers are totally fine, thats exactly how it should be, but I don't want to see OHK with full autos, semi autos or lmgs. Accidental headshots with those weapons would make the game way more annoying. BFV got this right.
"Greatest community in the world" but always toxic af, from players to developers.
I'm not Danny's biggest fan but jesus christ. The design decisions this guy made to "define Battlefield" for BFV's lifecycle were some of the ones that kneecapped the game.
Also tangent, and feel free to downvote me here, but from what I've seen in my almost 15 years of playing Battlefield games is that the identity of the game shifts with every release. The problem of the franchise, not just Battlefield V, is that it can't figure out what it should be besides "a mass-market alternative to Call of Duty".
Look at Bad Company 1's release platforms (console only), classes, and longer TTK. Look at the sandboxy, open-ended campaign. Then look at Bad Company 2's tightening of map design, reduction in TTK, but also injection of linearity into BC1's more sandboxy campaign (and I'd say multiplayer, even tho BC2's destruction was better). BF3 was another natural progression with more significant class changeups. BF4 added a lot but did not change much, and instead seemed more focused on putting a Caspian Border Tower on every map for funsies. Hardline changed a lot, but IMO in a good way, and then BF1 honestly felt more like Star Wars Battlefront 2015 than any of its predecessors. Then we have BFV.
I'd like to see which position he filled ofr which games. I have a feeling for the good BFs it was probably "coffee getter" and then when the good DNA drained out of DICE post acquisition it was then he became "design director."
Yea, doom was talking back then about AR's, SMG's all (Just like in R6S)
Alan also wanted to add Firestorms armor system to vanilla BF5. which obviously wouldve go down well..
Alan has been around since at least BC2 and tons of stupid designs and decisions have found their way into the games since then
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Pretty savage, but valid. The dude is a loser who thinks he’s actually got a say in the what happens. Nothing to do but be online 24/7
I got into an argument over a very similar topic with Danny about 2 years ago. He like every other you tuber, need a reality check as their opinion is just that... an opinion like so many others, they do not hold the reins over a multi million dollar franchise simply because they have “followers” on you tube.
For real. If you look at his Twitter replies and Reddit comments you can see it.
I don't think this is correct. I think he has valid opinions and this former design director is clearly having a bad day or is toxic. The opinions being discussed (OHK SMGs) are an issue where any sane person comes down with Danny on, not the former design director. It's Battlefield. The TTK is already fast compared to lots of other games, it doesn't need to be "realistic."
Man that shit is sad and people think its thier job to do so , tha fuck is wrong with the world.
He literally does nothing all day except lurk in every video game community
DannyonPC is literally just like us, he just shifted to posting his opinions on a YouTube channel instead of the forums and trying to put himself everywhere to get idiots to follow him. Shit shitposter on the forums but on YouTube suddenly he's "untouchable". And this twitter screenshot is 100% accurate too, guy was a shitty meme on the old forums but hung around like a bad smell and posted everywhere to try and be relevant as is evident both on Reddit and YouTube; if you post around and often you'll receive some level of "fame" because that's how retarded it is. "Hey I see this guy post a lot/has a YouTube/posts on others YouTube I lot I'll follow him", sad really. Guy also rides the tails of others Soo hard trying to get fame off them too it's pretty pathetic
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My only question is.......why though? Has danny been toxic or smthin I haven't really been informing myself lately.
He has very strong opinions on the game and tends to insult those who disagree with him. He can also be contrarian at times, going against the community opinion for apparently no reason. This makes him really polarizing, if you see his comments on Reddit there’s a roughly 50/50 chance they’ll be upvoted to heaven or downvoted to hell.
I usually disagree, but he’s right in this case if you look at the context. Westie says the Warzone TTK is too fast at 600ms, the DICE dev says he tried to give BF 600ms but everyone got mad. Well no shit Sherlock, a one life battle royale should probably have a much longer TTK than a large scale shooter where it’s common to face a mob of enemies all at once.
God that's so ironic. He almost singlehandedly killed the damn game with his idiotic TTK decisions after an almost REVIVAL of the game, and yet he calls Danny a "cancer" on the community? What a sleezebag.
In my eyes they're both dumb as rocks. The dev boasts about "defining what battlefield is for 15 years" and they shat out battlefield V.
Yeah if this is the game they consider defining I don’t want to hear whatever he has to say because this game is a shitshow
This guy ruined BFV with the TTK changes, when the game was not in the best state in the first place. Fuck him trying to dictate what the game should be and absolutely ignoring the actual community feedbacks.
Also on this thread he was piggybacking on a post Westie wrote about Warzone, about how the meta sucks with the fastest TTK ever seen in WZ. By the way I'm not a Westie fan either but he is absolutely right about this IMO.
Anyway, a BFV dev piggybacking on this particular post shows he has no fucking clue whatsover, when he tries to compare a one life battle royale with 250 HP players to a fucking battlefied standard conquest game.
I swear theses devs dont play their own game, or maybe they are the one on the bottom of the scoreboard who cry when they get headshotted when they stay prone and immobile with their MMGs.
This reminds me the meme from Simpsons where bunch of guys are watching two monkeys fight. Because that is how I see this since they both are complete morons. Only each one of them in a different way.
Though to be fair as much as I do not like Danny, I would take his side here and not the side of the nutcase who went on with patch 5.2 after literally the whole community begged DICE not to do it. Everyone saw how much of a clusterfuck the game will become with it except him. You can have 50 years of experience for all I care but I can't respect you if you come up with such a complete garbage decision.
EDIT: I actually need to adjust this statement slightly. I read something more from this guy and he is such an out of the touch douchebag that it is insane. If Danny ever reads it, sorry. I am still not a fan of your work but you a rocket scientist compared to this mental guy.
Thats all fine lol
People don't have to like me, (Well i would prefer it ofcourse :p) but all i want honestly is just a normal discussion with people
Like in this topic
Guy says i did something shit, i can't recall it + its not my style, I ask if he could perhaps link it cuz if its true i'd like to say sorry
No reply back, one stupid comment and only downvotes.. classic
Like, why do i even try lol
Oh so danny was right, saying BF should have a fast TTK. That’s some important context my guy.
So 15 years that led to downfall of the series, so I'm sry buddy, but seems that someone did a mistake
I followed him on twitter around bf3 and bf4 times and the main thing I remember was him being kind of an arrogant dick.
I've been defining BF for longer than you've been shit posting
Yeah, defining BFV as a stark reminder of what happens when you're out of touch with your player base
Don't really know the danny guy, see his posts sometimes and sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree. But for a (former) dev to use those kind of words, he just went way too far imo. Especially after reading that this is the dev responsible for fucking up the ttk.
In case people missed the whole ttk fiasco:
I remember 90+% of the feedback was people wanting the older, faster ttk back. But dice used the now legendary bUt OuR dAtA sHoWs PeOpLe LoVe ThE nEw TtK - argument. The data they were talking about was data showing that gunfights were taking place from longer distances after the ttk changes and they argued that equals to "people loving the ttk change". Despite every post, tweet and YT comment screaming to change the ttk back. It was like dice invented a new form of stupid when they argued like this. They couldn't even interpret simple statistical data, shit a first year in college can even do.
“OuR dAtA”
What I don’t get about that whole patch was they made the op guns stronger. For weeks on Xbox I only saw STG44’s, Lewis Guns and Type-2A’s around the map.
I agree with you on all points. People hated the changes but they seemingly went deaf to the criticism.
Gotta remember though that people posting here and commenting on YT represent only a very small percentage of the player base.
Not saying you are wrong just saying that looking at a small percentage of players to establish a general mood for the game may not match what is happening in game.
I actually spoke to the guy who gets the data
Its all how you interpret the data, and how it works with your own agenda
Data said, people feel like they die too quickly (Which indeed was a problem due to netcode or something like that)
So, how do you go about it
Do you, 1 fix the issue so people ''feel'' the bullets hit and you don't get (Seemingly) instakilled
Or do you read it as 2, the TTK is too quick, lets change it twice
Alan clearly chose #2.
for a (former) dev to use those kind of words, he just went way too far imo
To be fair Danny has been flinging shit at DICE for a living, and DICE has never been capable of responding to the hate because they are beholden to their shareholders. When you are no longer working there, you can say whatever you want. I can imagine if some guy is making a living off trashing your work you would want to call them a cancer too.
It was much more divisive and nearing 50/50 in opinions than you claim. It's just that the vocal minority is the loudest. People act like ttk 5.0 was the holy grail, but those are looking with rose tinted glasses. There were tons of people begging for changes to ttk adjustments. People hated getting erased on long ranges by semi autos or mmgs, recon was hardly used as they were outshot and outsniped by assaults, medic guns didn't mean shit on close range despite being smgs and the slow rate of fire smgs couldn't compete with the rest of the weaponry on med. Camping was much more rampant due most guns had the ability to erase people on all ranges. There were tons of issues with the original ttk.
A change was needed and 5.2 definitely was a too extreme response towards it. The worst part of it wasn't even the change, it's the lack of support by the devs around it. They dropped it RIGHT when they went on xmas holidays, so by the time they got back to adjust it and fix it, the 5.2 ttk had been running for more months than it should have. That is what caused the most turmoil in the community and gave them the opportunity to shitpost this subreddit to death. 5.2 could have been running much shorter and thus less impactful to bfv's image if the devs launched it under supervision.
He's so salty that the community didn't like the changes he tried to force to BF V. He's standing behind his 15 years of experience and seems like a complete "know it all". Because it was his vision, his masterpiece. There is a clear distinction between Warzone and BF. But you do pew pew with guns here, and there, so it's the same right? 600ms the magic number. At least his tremendous experience got verified as BF V was a shitshow since the beginning.
Coward deleted his godamn tweet, what else do you expect from someone that destroyed an entire game's future with a single TTK update
I'm not a big DannyonPC fan but really? no constructive conversation? Says a guy who is responsible for TTK changes?
Stop holding devs as some type of gods. There have been enough constructive criticism about everything but nobody ever listened because decisions are made according to data to grab most money.
...but has also done a bad job at “defining” BF. BFVs biggest issue is that they couldn’t define what they wanted, changed it up midstream, and lost most of the player base.
Danny deserves to be called out, but so do the devs. It’s lose-lose.
But clearly he has no idea what battlefield fans want BFV was a perfect example for that. We didn't want unknown battles across the western and north Africa front, we wanted battles from all across the world of varying fame much like oh you know Battlefield 1942 did.
we wanted battles from all across the world of varying fame much like oh you know Battlefield 1942 did.
If you look at early news and the content drops, that originally was the idea. Create a game that showcases battles from all over the war, but revealing them in chronological manner with the live service. We were slowly getting from the 1940s to 1942, but by chapter 4 they basically threw chronological progression out of the window and just threw in whatever sticks.
I think if dice had just focused on content drops we would've gone through ww2 much faster and thus getting to the late war battles people tend to think about. Instead they misused the live service to keep experimenting with the core gameplay and overhauls that just took the wind out of it.
Is it too much to ask for both? And it's not that they were only going to add unknown battles, it's because the launch maps were 1940s battles. Eventually they would've gotten to more famous battle if the game didn't fail
Isn't a bit excessive? And i don't think Danny has this big influence on both bf and the community...
And by the way, he is right about the OKH. It's crappy and it does work like shit in R6 asweel
Edit: oh FFS so this dev is responsible for BFV ttk super crappy changes that destroyed the game?? Glad he left the place!!
Edit2: also Enders gives the credit to Danny, here he is right. This dev is totally delusional, and he goes mad and only reply to danny insulting him. This is crazy
I'm not a fan of Danny and I barely know anything about him, but I agree with him on some stuff and I watch his BFV videos once in a while, I really don't care about BF1 or BF4, especially BF4.
I don’t agree with Danny on lots of stuff but he is right sometimes, like all of us we have an opinion... either way I wish these things were discussed more often with the devs, lack of transparency is a big issue.
There is a reason he is the "former" design director. His decisions were shit.
Yes. Cancer to bf community. Just like the hackers i face every match
Here's the full context .
Completely uncalled for tbh, Kertz is just butthurt.
Edit: Kertz just snapped after everyone jumped on how bad ttk was, he lashed out on danny. What an unprofessional douche. Look at his replies to westie and others, "doesn't matter".
That was brutal.
And... I don't care about DannyOnPC but I must admit: it felt satisfying reading this. Seeing a dev replying agressively actually felt good when you know how bad some gamers can treat gamedevs daily.
I'm not a dev, I'm a gamer. But some gamers can be some huge entitled dipshits. And there were many of them when "that dead game" was released in november 2018.
I wish devs could talk more freely. Not to get back at people, but to give their own point of view: there's always an explanation to every choice that has been made during development and knowing them would maybe ease communication.
Lack of communication was just one of the major issue Battlefield V unfortunately had.
Demize99 AKA Alan Kertz is the guy responsible for post pacific TTK changes: he was actually replying to Westie, saying that "he gave us 600+ ms times to kill and everyone hated it" to a post Westie made about... Warzone gun meta, complaining that the FFAR kills too quickly in a gamemode where everyone has 250 HP because it's a battle royale mode.
Danny called him out (AKA the guy who killed the last chance this game had AND WAS GLOATING ABOUT IT) on it and the guy went on a meltdown.
Danny didn't even say anything harsh, Kertz just fucking flipped for no good reason. There's allegations he was very hard to work with and the reason many people left DICE because he overruled all the changes they wanted to make (cough cough TTK cough cough gun designer who left after the TTK shift) but there's no solid proof on that.
There's always two sides to a story and Danny didn't even do shit here, you don't have the chef screaming at someone at a restaurant and calling them a cancer that should be put down(sic!) because they didn't like the garnish on your 60$ steak.
Devs are not gods they are employees who receive money. Its same experience as getting shitty old food and leaving bad feedback just in IT/gaming world. I guess you must be entitled to pay money for product, receive bad experience and then complain...
Devs don't talk because their work is all tied up in endless NDAs. There are probably massive fines if something gets spilled. Thats why they never risk.
This guy took part in TTK changes which were obviously made for marketing to get new player and fuck old player base over.
He is former employee - there is a reason for that and that is good. He should never be close to any AAA title again.
This dev is acting like experience means you’re right. Not if your experience includes ruining battlefield...
@ttk changes and just bfv in general
I'll be honest, that sort of tweeting about a video game is just a little bit too much. It's not a good look.
This is on the same level as ''don't buy it if you don't like it'' That still get quoted years later
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demize has been shitposting for years, prior to being a bf dev he was also very critical of BF devs, i remember seeing posts from him saved for years from forums back when the PC community turned on DICE for the amount of blatant lies told to them prior to the release of BF3, (one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history for me).
I think they both kind of suck. The youtube community has a lot of sway when it comes to games, and its not always for the better. From my understanding, which I admit could be incorrect, it was the outcry from a lot of the big youtubers and streamers that got the class archetype system removed before the game's launch, and got MMGs unnecessarily nerfed. That said, Danny is right in this situation. One shot kill headshots for every gun in the game will just make the game favor fast firing weapons more so than any other weapon in the game, since they have a higher chance at hitting the head because you can put more shots down range.
Also this guy was responsible for the awful TTK change, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't know much about what is good for BF either.
Imagine giving feedback on a game you bought only for the developer to go full baby rage, BFV's got some real professionals.
I imagine what Mr. Kertz said here in Ben Shapiro's voice. Not surprised it fit perfectly.
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Only thing this clown defined was decline of the franchise last 15 years. It is not only about danny but other people too, there have been million constructive criticism posts on this reddit but WHO OF DICE DEVS EVER LISTENED? I remember times when some of the DICE devs played game but I haven't seen them last 5 years. I would like to see how many MINUTES combined in all BF games this definer has. Probably not much because he knows how bad it is. This clown should never touch any AAA title ever. Back to Indie universe.
P.S. Not even defending Danny because I am not following his content but the nerve this clown has to write stuff like this.
if defining BFV to be the title that made me actually hate it. aside from ttk, BFV really disappoint for how long it took to have server rental (community for whatever reason). no server autobalance while it's not even Battlefield Heroes where each characters have a permanent faction assigned. cheating issues while the hacks are documented nicely at mpgh. now, empty server list and they don't even realize it after days
I was there when EA/DICE worked on free to play titles and then the so-called live service. if BF6 has free to play mode as rumoured, do yourself a favour not spending any cash on it at the very least
Not the biggest fan of Danny but Alan is just wrong here lol. He is the reason why we got 5.2, arguably the worst patch in BF history. It took them months to reverse it
Danny chats absolute shit about stuff he doesn’t know a thing about, or is average at best at.
Every time I call him out on it he deleted his comments. Every single time.
Despite all this, I would still trust him with Battlefield before this shithead of a dev who has the dubious distinction of bragging 5.2 was his brain(tumour)child.
" Every time I call him out on it he deleted his comments. Every single time. "
Ooh shit he does that?, I'm gonna call him out on that.
So regardless of your thoughts on Danny, a Dev really shouldn’t be shit talking a community member like this. This guy made a shitty decision (5.2) and he’s mad because a YouTuber has different opinions on the game. I just find it very unprofessional
It is, but it doesn't really matter the game is old now and he is not part of Dice anymore.
But people like him that cant stay professional is the reason tweets like ''don't buy it if you don't like it'' are still quoted today
why so much hate on Danny here? I watch his videos and I don't see anything wrong with him or his opinions.
Lol he told me several years ago that in order to open the caves to the Peacekeeper, you needed to use C4
My gullible ass believed him and I'm still salty about it
That's my gripe but I'm sure it's an ant sized dilemma compared to other people who know him, I'm sure he's strung up bigger vendettas against him
Tbf, Danny does seem to have nothing to do in life other than shitposting about BF. You can find him literally EVERYWHERE.
Someone care to explain what is going on here? What is the backstory? I have no clue...
This guy literally killed the game with 5.2. He can talk about his experience all he wants, but his update actually killed support for a AAA Battlefield title. He can get fucked.
Here's my two cents...
What the dev said was somewhat correct, just because your a content creator doesn't mean you have control over a franchise/game. Although, the dev was also a bit wrong because he was the one who suggested the TTK update.
I have nothing against danny and I agree on somethings he says but, the way he goes about saying things is a bit unsettling.
In a way, their both correct but wrong...
Yea, i can be pretty blunt and direct in my wording (apparently a lot of Dutch people are like that)
Wish /u/korlic99 would put the entire thread there tho for full context
Kertz also wanted to add the armor system from firestorm to normal MP. So I really could care less about him "speaking freely", since he was probably one of the driving forces behind BFV being as poorly made and received as it was.
When they do a survey, I'd appreciate it if they would publicly post the results and then prioritize decisions based on the player base. I think it's dangerous for any developer to think they "know what's best" for us.
I'm pretty sure neither of these guys understand what's important to me and it's the reason I stopped playing BFV. I've played since 1942 and I've always been patient and understanding. Broken releases, gameplay halting bugs, widespread hacking, major outages, etc. I've never felt so ignored as a user.
"It was my job"? That's your whole argument?
I swear to God, someone needs to tell these dickheads on Twitter that the epic put downs they're trying to deliver are really just cringeworthy and embarrassing.
The guy that is insulting the dannyonpc guy... Is the gesign director for BF5?
I... I don't understand. BF5 is an unplayable garbled mess of randomness.
Team balance doesn't work, like at all. Fuck the guns, the most basic of functions doesn't work. Games start 12v30.
Aside from that, the gun balance is trash too. I have seen many posts on reddit going into detail around it, no need to reiterate.
So, this director of whatever for BF5 should stay quiet. His game is a failure.
This guy seems to have such a god complex man, like "oh yeah I've been defining what Battlefield is for 15 years" bro you made the TTK wack... TWICE.
Mans was garbage at his job
Well, I definitely disagree on many subjects regarding balancing in BF 3/4 that Mr Kertz has green lighted, going so far that I think it was very poor decision making.
Anyway everyone has a right for an opinion, but also everyone has the right to be treated with respect.
That is not the way to address, the issues you have with a game.
Omg finally some devs calling out this communities bullshit. So much awful feedback turned Battlefield V from getting to be a hardcore team focused multiplayer fps to just another shooter that prioritizes the solo players experience. Terrible feedback about the gameplay resulted in less squad interaction, less emphasis on fortifications, and just an overall cheaper experience when compared to previous Battlefields that had already cratered to rambo players. Mix this nostalgia fueled feedback with the hypocrisy of wanting a "historically accurate" ww2 game after playing battlefield 1 thinking it's a detailed textbook on the events of the great war to a tee, it's a miracle theres even a game to play at all. At least now they know in order to make a successful battlefield, they just need to empower John Rambo so he can keep firing his machine guns without worrying if he has enough ammo.
Youtubers, so full of themselves, thinking they're a valuable opinion when all they've got is that they play videogames.
Can't we say the same about everyone then? ''you only play videogames, your opinion doesn't matter''
No, we all can have our own opinions (Even tho they're stupid)
Only difference is, i build myself a bit of an audience so im not just screaming into an empty void.
If I recall wasnt danny on reddit crying non stop about helicopter and below radar back in bf3. If its the same guy he was a mediocre player with some really shit takes. I don't really follow bf youtubers so
For those who have never created anything, talking shit on another's hard work is easy.
DANNYonPC is the biggest piece of shit in the Battlefield community. He is constantly getting into arguments with everyone.
He left DICE about 5-6 months ago so hopefully his stupid decision making and ideas won't impact BF6 too much
Yeah, I used to be sympathetic towards Kertz back when he occasionally squabbled with community members and everyone seemed to use him as a scapegoat for DICE as a whole. But after his stubbornness with the TTK debacle and his behavior since then, I hope he stays as far away from the franchise as possible.
Boy, am I glad this prick is the former game director because I don't want his shitty ideas and attitude anywhere near future Battlefield games.
Lol this post literally reminded me that I wanted to unsub from Danny but never did, I totally agree with Alan tbh. Thanks for reminding me.
Alan is also why the game turned to shit with the TTK update, completely ignoring feedback. Quite ironic isn't
Danny is such a prick and regardless of the end result of the game, Dev is right with those words towards him, had to be said and he did
I just went to Alan Kertz Twitter page because I wanted to read through the Twitter thread and apparently I'm blocked. I've never followed or even interacted with the guy. I guess he uses that Twitter feature that blocks anyone that follows certain people. Either that or he spent hours pre-blocking anyone that has criticized BFV's design over the past 2 years.
For a guy that talks about his "great ideas" so much, you'd think he'd be open to discussing the reasons behind them with the customers that play the game he made. I guess he's one of those developers that only accepts praise because he's a Battlefield dev and rejects anything else.
Oh well, Chrome's Incognito tab easily gets around being blocked.
I hate DICE and Danny seems to be wrong every time he opens his mouth. Idk who to root for.
To be fair one shot headshots, would not work for battlefield, everyone would be holding angles or staying in cover because running out in the open would be a death sentence. And snipers would be way less useful than a good dmr.
"Listening to the community", is such an empty phrase, though. If any company did this in an incurious way it would satisfy noone. We are an inconsistent, inchoate, group of people who change their opinions like underwear and don't always want what they say they want.
Look at squad comms. Absolute shit fit about it being taken out for BFBC2. It got returned in BF3 and guess what? No one used it. They still don't.
Look at the cosmetics. We say we hate them and yet I see countless elites with shitty skins in game and have done since launch.
That being said, the only thing worse than listening to your community is not listening...
Danny is a clown tho, remember lots of hackusations from him on random fort de vaux bf 1 servers, nothing to back his shit up, big ego nothing to show for it.
Spelled wrecked wrong, along with using a subreddit tag instead of a username tag. Never change, Moroni.
After how badly they fumbled BF:V any DICE dev with actual juice in the decision making just needs to shut the fuck up. I've never seen a game have so much potential thrown away in my entire lifetime.
Danny has me blocked on Twitter and I for the life of me can't remember why.
But you got me blocked?
Danny, like the rest of the symthic scrubs, need to shut the fuck up and stop preaching about this game series they suck at and have terrible ideas about. They are a serious cancer on this game franchise and community.
Agree Alan, guys like danny have no power over triple a franchise's
Harsh but very fair, although Im sick of most of these whiny "content creators".
Shame that he left, but tbh I don’t blame him. The community has been petty and toxic when it comes to BFV, despite how good it is.
High profile trolls like Danny and a lack of constructive criticism don’t help matters either, but I think the real problem was the expectations for BFV because it’s set in WW2.
People complain about the lack of D-Day and the Russians, when their inclusion would be the antithesis of what BFV was supposed to be. It’s clear that they were going for the parts of WW2 that haven’t been done to death, like the East African, North African, and Italian campaigns.
I love the Western and Eastern fronts as much as the next guy, but that’s not what BFV was for.
It’s not the first time the newest Battlefield was the most hated one either as I’ve seen this happen When it comes to BF4, Hardline, and BF1, and the same will happen with BF6 when that comes out.
As someone who don't follow the drama and "content creators" Considering the place battlefield is in, I wouldn't brag about being one of the people who defined what it now is.
I like OHK headshots with rifles etc. BUT if it's the guy who was behind shitty TTK - he can go fuck himself.
There are only a couple good things about bfV. Ammo for tanks and planes, and the fortifying mechanic. It’s really the only two things that should be brought over
I'm glad that Alan was fired, he tried to put armor in the base game, tried to do alot of other bs things and would've ruined the game
I think that's a big reason why battlefield hasn't felt right since bf4, because they seem to refuse to listen to the people that buy and play their games "if you dont like it dont buy it" I'll remember that for your next game
I'm still searching for the person that fucked up my beloved support class. The class is shit. Terrible guns, terrible equipment, terrible all around
Dunno what you're playing but I love it. Just wish the AP grenades actually did proper damage to tanks...
I always get down votes for this, and I'm not sure why, but I'll stick with saying it. If you want to watch a BF YouTuber that is pleasant, but does still express views and critiques, gives info on weapons and settings, check out Get Good Guy. I stopped watching anyone else after finding his channel, because I realized how negative everyone else felt in comparison.
He's reactionary and clickbaity just like the playerbase, could go in one week from "BFV WOST BF EVER??" title to "BFV SAVES THE FRANCHISE??" type stuff. I watched his vids for a long time but then got sick of his attitude. The info vids were pretty good though and I like any console YTers because that speaks more to my experience.
This just seems like more evidence that dice blame external factors for thier failure to create 1 well-recieved game since bf1.
Petty, vindictive, and a refusal to accept criticism. I can't think of another reason someone could hate some guy on the internet who gets like 2k views a video so much.
If this guy is still at dice, then it worries me about the future.
Danny is the only youtuber who has stayed all these years and actually knows something about the game.
He's so good at defining Battlefield that he almost single-handedly killed Battlefield V after the second TTK patch (which was his idea btw).
Was he in a coma all those years?
Isn't Alan Kertz the one responsible for those horrendous TTK changes in BFV? Isn't he responsible for that horrendous comment about "Being on the right side of history"?
For fuck sakes he needs to sit the fuck down. I'm fine with him not liking Danny because most people don't like Danny, but come on this dude needs to shut it.
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