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Fairfight Banned a Player Spam

We all know how the ongoing cheating player issues have been going with BF1 and so far EA / Dice have still done nothing about it.

Well it seems like they now have removed the names of banned players from the fairfight messages in the game chat? This does not fix anything?..

EU Court Dice EA Games
EU Court Dice EA Games
Instead there is now constant spamming "Fairfight Banned a Player" messages..

Does fairfight work? Nope.. Do Fairfight ban players.. Nope.

If a cheater goes on a rage and do 100-0 in a few rounds then maybe fairfight will detect something and then maybe the cheat will get a week ban.. That's it..

It seems more like EA Games and Dice are trying to act like they are dealing with the situation, perhaps in an attempt to not get the European Court of Justice to start and investigate the matter.

With millions of players feeling they have been wronged by EA Games for selling them a "faulty" BF game, EA could be heading for a lawsuit. At least in the EU where thing like ToS don't matter as much as in the US. Just look at how the the EU court ruled with Google's $2.7 billion EU fine, and that may be just the start. EA Games CEO Andrew Wilson have been working at Electronic Arts for 18 years and have been it's CEO since 2013. You would think that Andrew Wilson should be somewhat competent at the job but looking at the utter downfall of the Battlefield franchise, destruction of the clan community, no control of rented servers and the outright disrespectful nature of Andrew Wilson in all the matters, not just concerning a franchise built over many, many years of hard work but all business done by EA Games and Dice it really shows 4 years of horrible incompetence.

You know back when Samsung had this little problem with the Galaxy Note 7, it was Samsung's big flagship phone but it had a little problem where it occasionally caught fire. Samsung had to recall the entire line, it was a big thing but they released the Galaxy S8, S8+ and had fixed the problem. Soon after The Note 8 was released, no fires and great success. It might have been the biggest failure made from one of the world's biggest company but considering EA Games have this "new" product and not taking any action really starts to take the cake.

Some of the discussion from the Battlefield Forums are MIRRORED HERE in this post. In case EA decides to do away with discussions that otherwise hurt their image.

"FAIRFIGHT BANNED A PLAYER" spam (should really be titled as per game message in caps).

Started sometime this afternoon. Spamming messages every 30 seconds or so.

Has it got that bad at detection now that you cant even name the players its banning due to so many false positives and false negatives?

  • The messages themselves are spam
  • School holidays lots of little cheating kiddies.
  • It's all smoke and mirrors. Sure, scroll some name in the chat window that I'll never remember and who will suffer no real consequence. Do it right by having a ban list/page in the BF1 UI where I can click on the names and actually see substance. Have the previously first offense banned players highlighted yellow in the scoreboard upon their return. Come on, a chat scroll is no deterrent.
  • I guess if you really wanted to find out, you could write the banned players name down and keep track of his/her history on battletracker.
  • ff is a joke and waste of whatever money it costs.
  • I guess if you really wanted to find out, you could write the banned players name down and keep track of his/her history on battletracker.

    There is no name. It literally just says "FAIRFIGHT BANNED A PLAYER". I know even just a few days ago the player names were listed, so no idea if this is some sort of bug or the names have been removed intentionally.
  • Pretty sure it is intentional as the wording has been changed; such a thing rarely occurs by accident. Can't fathom the reason for it though, seems like a step in exactly the opposite direction they should be taking the fight against cheaters.
  • Farsight_02 wrote: »
    Really really bad move to remove the player names, as it further removes transparency and gives even more reason to doubt their efforts in combating cheating. At least with the player name visible you could check if there was any truth to it by checking the name on battlefieldtracker and track the round history. Now you can't do that either.

    Exactly. Our clan has a strict no cheat-allowed policy and we manage to catch one ingame message that said one of our members was caught cheating and was banned by FF. Needless to say, he was swiftly dealt with and we did our own internal name and shame. Now, without names... how the F would we be able to do that?
  • This game is a joke against honest players, it seems more leaning, the more cheaters EA can attract, the more dividend gives it to the owners.
    Sad that people still believe in everything they say, time after time.
    Sometimes it must be enough for the dumbest to be cheated on their hard-earned money on a game, where you can download 3rd party programs to get benefits, without any consequences if you play reasonably carefully.
    Cheats generate more money at the expense of honest players.
  • I notice this today too, no more names. I'm guessing they got into some troubles or something, or they changed it because "Naming and shaming". I think they should just remove it because it's pointless anyway.
  • UXROO wrote: »
    I notice this today too, no more names. I'm guessing they got into some troubles or something, or they changed it because "Naming and shaming". I think they should just remove it because it's pointless anyway.

    Its pointless now yes.. Even took away from a rare tactical message that was in chat..
  • edited August 12
    FF not working as it should so they coded some kind of spammer system in there that spams ban text at random intervals and removed player names so that it's impossible to know if it actually bans someone or not. As long as it looks like it's doing something. It's so obvious that it makes me LOL
  • edited August 12
    I guess if you really wanted to find out, you could write the banned players name down and keep track of his/her history on battletracker.

    its not hard to hide your name from battletracker. its very easy when you quit this game. you change your game name play a round. log off. wait 2 to 3 days for the EA cooldown on name changing. switch it back to your name. cant be tracked dont play no more. once you play again it will be tracked by your name again. if you think im a cheater just to hide my account my last used name is Fannoyedby you welcome to search it and see. this is something i found out just due to me not playing no more and put it together whats going on
  • I-Soldat-I wrote: »
    This is all a subtle attempt by EA to convince you that they are doing something about the rampant cheating in hopes you buy there next offering.

    This is exactly what is going on. It is all BS from EA. Just don't buy their next game. They really do not deserve to profit from junk.
  • As much as I get the no name 'n shame policy, these global messages are utterly pointless! 
    PAGE 2
    • We all are nothing more than tiny banks.
    • They don't post the name because they'll be back within a day anyway. Worthless.
    • What's the point of having any message if there aren't any names! No way to check up on a banned player or know who got banned.
    • So stupid. Though they are probably just trying to cover their tracks on how garbage the anti cheat is. Fairfight is the only anti cheat I have experienced that has banned me and others I know despite not cheating.

      Though when it comes to the chat spam if it is just going to say the same message with no indication of which player is banned it should just be removed from the chat. There should be a site with a list of names that fairfight banned, no reason to clutter the chat with this garbage (or at the very least there should be a setting to toggle the fairfight spam on and off.
    • Th3St1ng wrote: »
      What's the point of having any message if there aren't any names! No way to check up on a banned player or know who got banned.

      To give the illusion that something is being done about the cheaters.. No LoL, I think they just messed something up or they dont want to "name and shame" for whatever reason.. Too bad they dont come on their official forums to answer things like this.......
    • If I were cynical I'd post some cynical code snippet that printed "FAIRFIGHT BANNED A PLAYER" at random intervals.
    • I could understand if it was an actual name like 'John Smith'. But they are just gamer tags. They aren't even names. The suits in America are just so worried about any remote possibility of being sued. This is the real reason why the forum rules are so strict, and why the rules against cheating in the game are not enforced, and why cheats are protected with anonymity.
      In BF3 PunkBuster was banning loads of players and then overnight it all just stopped. It wasn't because PB was no good, it was because the suits are paranoid about the blowback from banning players for cheating.
    • warslag wrote: »
      I could understand if it was an actual name like 'John Smith'. But they are just gamer tags. They aren't even names. The suits in America are just so worried about any remote possibility of being sued. This is the real reason why the forum rules are so strict, and why the rules against cheating in the game are not enforced, and why cheats are protected with anonymity.
      In BF3 PunkBuster was banning loads of players and then overnight it all just stopped. It wasn't because PB was no good, it was because the suits are paranoid about the blowback from banning players for cheating.

      Valve don't seem to care. And they have way more players subject to VAC and competitive stuff where actual money is on the line.

      I know Valve aren't paragons of moral virtue or anything but these are people who could end up on private servers and even get roles of responsibility on those based on their game time, etc. We should have a right to make informed decisions about who we associate with online.
    • warslag wrote: »
      I could understand if it was an actual name like 'John Smith'. But they are just gamer tags. They aren't even names. The suits in America are just so worried about any remote possibility of being sued. This is the real reason why the forum rules are so strict, and why the rules against cheating in the game are not enforced, and why cheats are protected with anonymity.
      In BF3 PunkBuster was banning loads of players and then overnight it all just stopped. It wasn't because PB was no good, it was because the suits are paranoid about the blowback from banning players for cheating.

      This doesn't make any sense to me. How could any lawsuit actually be valid? When people purchased the game they agreed to the Terms of Service in order to play, proceeded to cheat which violated the agreement between EA and themselves, and resulted in the loss of online access. Have you ever taken the time to read the ToS for a product? They are written in such a way to pretty much lock down any attempt at getting around the agreement in any way shape or form, also including lawsuits. 
    • Not every Fairfight ban is justified, and not everything that is written in their TOS has any weight legally speaking.
      Lets just assume they messed up, just like when fairfight messages didnt pop up at all. That was also the time where people on here were complaining that Fairfight didnt work at all, just because of the lack of feedback.
    • Pretty sure it is intentional as the wording has been changed; such a thing rarely occurs by accident. Can't fathom the reason for it though, seems like a step in exactly the opposite direction they should be taking the fight against cheaters.

      Plus they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by name and shame.
    • It is hard to expect there will be anything done to clean game from cheaters but it will be hard to expect from me to buy any next FPS game knowing how bad anticheat is.

      And on topic. Radnomly writing same message means nothing. Stats baning only rage cheaters but after they had fun. Smart cheaters keep their scores to match good player.

      Also cheaters found way to go around hwbans. And there are alot of players that use dynamic ip so banining specific ip does not help to.

      Best way to counter cheater is to have anticheat group that follows cheat forums, and as soon as somone post way to cheat that cheat is detected.

      Now only anticheat that is doing that is Battleeye.
    • Makes me beyond angry, lets name and shame, the odd innocent can appeal and accept its for the bigger good. I 'heard' EA were being sued for a false ban but suspect thats nonsense. They should be doing more, its enough to make you think about going to console.
    • ceris8514 wrote: »

      This doesn't make any sense to me. How could any lawsuit actually be valid? When people purchased the game they agreed to the Terms of Service in order to play, proceeded to cheat which violated the agreement between EA and themselves, and resulted in the loss of online access. Have you ever taken the time to read the ToS for a product? They are written in such a way to pretty much lock down any attempt at getting around the agreement in any way shape or form, also including lawsuits.

      Maybe in the states ToS is valid but in the EU consumers laws goes beyond ToS, a lot of stuff in the ToS is not legit in my country's court.
    • edited August 14
      Rainbow Six Seige is probably the most cheat free game on the market due to BattleEye. Overwatch is close and CSGO is also pretty good. Battlefield 1 with BattleEye or a custom state of the art anticheat developed in-house by EA would do wonders for this game. They really should get on it before BattleFront 2 comes out.

      Really, they know that long term the platform that will provide longevity for this game is PC. They want those battlepacks/skins to sell? Get the cheating sorted. Look at how much Rainbow Six Seige has grown since they fixed their cheating problem.

      Like it or not, the PC is the platform for competitive FPS, it always has been and probably always will be. You want your game to be a watched title on Twitch and bring in tons of money long after you created the initial content? Fix the cheating problem, have tight balanced gameplay and profit.
    • Yes they probably changed it on purpose, name and shame. But all i want is this message to completely go away now, now that it is everytime the same message. Now it is really spam, we know that fairfight is at work we don't need to be reminded by spam so stop the global messaging altogether if it stays with no names.
    • EA is soft on cheaters because console sales outsell PC 10:1. Why invest money on anti-cheat when PC platform makes the least amount of money. It's simple business logic.

      Did you know EA gives out unlimited free trial accounts that let cheaters play for free over and over again?

      I'll never buy another EA multiplayer game on the PC platform. I'm considering buying a Xbox One X but having a hard time justifying the cost, considering the CPU is less powerful than an i3 processor. It would solve the cheating problem though because unsigned code (cheats) can't run on console hardware. So long as the hardware hasn't been jailbroke. Which neither the Xbox One or PS4 has been.

      Guess I'll wait for Xbox One X benchmarks and make my decision. One things for sure, EA has lost my confidence in their ability to protect the PC platform from cheaters. The new competitive mode for BF1 is going to be nothing more than competitive cheating on PC.

      You guys read any of the cheat development forums? They laugh at FairFight's screenshot feature and write screenshot cleaners which provide clean screenshots to FairFight on a per-frame basis every 16ms less. These **** cleaners even defeat FairFight when it takes two consecutive screenshots back-to-back milliseconds apart and injects color coding data in order to tell of the two screenshots are identical or unique.

      So yeah, this is why I'm looking to consoles in order to enjoy a cheat free experience in EA multiplayer games.

    • edited August 15
      It is sad what is happening with Battlefield but i dont know why even bother making game for multiplayer if you cannot protect it right.

      Right now when i enter MP rounds with cheater i feel like i play with bots on hard dificulty. If i wanted that i could play Unreal Tournament with bots.
    • I like can't play a shooter on console anymore. The controls suck so much, the aiming is awful. I used to be able to get used to it. I don't even own any of the new consoles. I literally would rather deal with cheaters and play on PC, PC is just that much better. PC gaming is so much better than console they aren't even on the same planet for me.
    • I don't trust FairFight at all.

    • EA are so kind to cheater develoment they give them 10h for free to see if their cheat is undected if it gets detected alter cheat some more and test again untill its undeteced.
      They gotta remove this free testing and it will get fewer cheaters becouse i dont think people wanna fork out full game cost everytime they get banned.
    • Given that's its clearly not working well I'd rather not see it not working well. So would love to hid it.
    • Bryjoered wrote: »
      Rainbow Six Seige is probably the most cheat free game on the market due to BattleEye. Overwatch is close and CSGO is also pretty good. Battlefield 1 with BattleEye or a custom state of the art anticheat developed in-house by EA would do wonders for this game. They really should get on it before BattleFront 2 comes out.

      Really, they know that long term the platform that will provide longevity for this game is PC. They want those battlepacks/skins to sell? Get the cheating sorted. Look at how much Rainbow Six Seige has grown since they fixed their cheating problem.

      Like it or not, the PC is the platform for competitive FPS, it always has been and probably always will be. You want your game to be a watched title on Twitch and bring in tons of money long after you created the initial content? Fix the cheating problem, have tight balanced gameplay and profit.

      R6S is full of cheating. BattlEye was ok for clearing out some of the cheats during an epidemic of cheating. But cheats have found ways around it. I feel sure that people are experimenting with AI in games as well. Question is whether people will continue spending lots of money on PCs for gaming. If most gamers are ok with cheating because they cheat themselves then I think cheating in PC gaming will just be accepted. 
    • Its still happening and its really annoying, any chance they can turn it off like before.

      It really is as useless as a chocolate teapot.

    • If DICE turns off the spam announcement, then everyone will think Fairfight isnt doing anything.
    • Lol EA has trolled the hell out of us pc gamers can't even name a shame banned players lmao bf1 is a joke.
    • Oskool_007 wrote: »
      EA is soft on cheaters because console sales outsell PC 10:1. Why invest money on anti-cheat when PC platform makes the least amount of money. It's simple business logic.

      Did you know EA gives out unlimited free trial accounts that let cheaters play for free over and over again?

      I'll never buy another EA multiplayer game on the PC platform. I'm considering buying a Xbox One X but having a hard time justifying the cost, considering the CPU is less powerful than an i3 processor. It would solve the cheating problem though because unsigned code (cheats) can't run on console hardware. So long as the hardware hasn't been jailbroke. Which neither the Xbox One or PS4 has been.

      Guess I'll wait for Xbox One X benchmarks and make my decision. One things for sure, EA has lost my confidence in their ability to protect the PC platform from cheaters. The new competitive mode for BF1 is going to be nothing more than competitive cheating on PC.

      You guys read any of the cheat development forums? They laugh at FairFight's screenshot feature and write screenshot cleaners which provide clean screenshots to FairFight on a per-frame basis every 16ms less. These **** cleaners even defeat FairFight when it takes two consecutive screenshots back-to-back milliseconds apart and injects color coding data in order to tell of the two screenshots are identical or unique.

      So yeah, this is why I'm looking to consoles in order to enjoy a cheat free experience in EA multiplayer games.

      Those trials are for Origin Access though, and right now you get most of those games free anyway. I can't be sure, of course, because I have Access and I'm not making another account to test it. :)

      The Xbox One S is a fairly powerful little thing though, with dynamic scaling and the rest of it, and all the games you get are optimised for the architecture. CPU doesn't matter, but the S and the X have real 8 core Jaguars (not the shared compute modules like Bulldozer). So I haven't noticed any issues playing on it, and I think that although the PS4 probably looks a bit better it suffers from framerate drops - its dynamic scaling isn't as efficient.

      Although fair warning, Battlefield is a different experience because nobody PTFOs. Call of Duty and Titanfall are much more fun. And I have the One X on order, because I've seen it playing FM7 and F1 2017 at 4k 60fps. One X's graphics performance is supposed to be on par with an RX 580. But I don't know. I just know that even with the One S it's a great substitution for online gaming.
    • warslag wrote: »

      R6S is full of cheating. BattlEye was ok for clearing out some of the cheats during an epidemic of cheating. But cheats have found ways around it. I feel sure that people are experimenting with AI in games as well. Question is whether people will continue spending lots of money on PCs for gaming. If most gamers are ok with cheating because they cheat themselves then I think cheating in PC gaming will just be accepted.

      It's really not, on the popular public sites there are virtually ZERO hacks that have broken through BattleEye. You can't ever stop cheats, nobody can stop cheats and no game is cheat free on PC. CSGO, Rainbow Six Seige, and Overwatch are very low cheat in general. I see more cheat in Battlefield 1 for sure, but even BF1 these days isn't unbearable. Only PC game that has unbearable cheating is Call of Duty.

    • I hate the fact that its enforced in the servers. I do not want those fairfight messages in the chat box for they are nothing but spam.
    • Agreed, if the message isn't actually naming the players so we know the guy with "78-3" is/was hacking then what's the point?
    • It was in overdrive last night, one point there was about 10 in a minute.

      Very annoying and utterly useless. Please Remove.
    • Bryjoered wrote: »
      Only PC game that has unbearable cheating is Call of Duty.

      Take a look at AVA..

    • LumoColor wrote: »
      Problem here is the useless spam that means nothing, before names were listed be them correct or incorrect bans, now it just says FAIRFIGHT BANNED A PLAYER.

      What difference does it make if it banned a random unknown player and why change the messages to show no name? I suspect either, the ban rate of fairfight is pathetic as we already know. If fairfight was working there would be many more bans than the messages indicate. OR They now have that little confidence in the banning process that they cannot identify the players banned as its incorrectly naming and shaming players that will be unbanned in a couple of days with no explanation or apology.

      Here is an idea, stop messing around with silly messages and do something about the blatant aimbotters that are not detected as this tinkering is getting boring and unproductive.

      LOL do you realize this game would be dead if they found a way to ban all cheaters. really surf the web they say (if I remember right) 80% + are cheaters in FPP games. I spawn Immediately I am being shot or 2 tap killed. I love BF games but on pc I am not good enough to compete with so many cheaters.
    • I think 80% is a little exaggerated
    • I think 80% is a little exaggerated

      Its what I read. that's for all FPP games so I'm sure the % would be higher agreed??
    • Still sounds way high. If you are "underperforming" in Battlefield its not because of cheats btw.
    • Still sounds way high. If you are "underperforming" in Battlefield its not because of cheats btw.

      How do you know certain people don't come up against cheaters on a regular basis in a game that has no AC to catch and stop ESP, rage and closet cheaters?!...enough to knock their performance that is. Are you sitting there watching over people's shoulder?! That's a rather ludicrous call to make otherwise.

      Cheating is at an all time high in BF1. Cheats have made a lot of folk pack it in. It is certainly possible many are indeed underperforming due to the level of cheats in this game. Without any ac, you are no wiser than anyone else as to how many are indeed cheating. It could be much more of a problem than you might want to believe based on the numbers playing at peak vs the amount of downloads for 'extra skill'. I'd put cheating up around 35% of the pc playerbase but it's hard to know how many are active currently. Still a crazy amount compared to previous BFs which had PB.. metabans.. bf4db.. 247fairplay.. admins.. procon. BF1 is a cheaters paradise! Really hope that changes soon and on the qt. Imagine the banwaves!! Might knock numbers substantially at first but the game would become very popular once word got around it was clean(er).
    • I'd be surprised if its more than 5% to be honest (which would be still quite high mind you) but you do you xD
      You dont sit behind those people that claim to have "quit" due to "cheating" either.
    • edited August 19
      I'd be surprised if its more than 5% to be honest (which would be still quite high mind you) but you do you xD
      You dont sit behind those people that claim to have "quit" due to "cheating" either.

      I have been in the same rounds as friends where 2 or 3 blatant cheaters ruined the match and made it one sided. These friends are highly regarded and mature professionals. Based on my own experiences in BF1, I would take their word for it. (Our figures are actually rather close.) The evidence/facts are there for anyone to research. BF1 has some of the highest levels of cheating sadly due to EA's and Dice's poor choices of scrapping PB, Procon and other ac helpouts. 
      • I've generally always believed the % of cheats in any given round to be about 10-15% roughly 6 or 7 players on a 64 player round using esp or aim bot ill be honest I seldom see a rage hacker only a handful sinse release it's the closet cheats that annoy me .
      • Go ahead and try to figure what 5% would mean for the average server.
      • Go ahead and try to figure what 5% would mean for the average server.

        Well this is somewhat rather interesting. I put the level of cheating in BF1 currently with 20k peak at around the 35% mark which works out very close to your 5% for the entire BF1 pc population.

        BF1 PC highest population - 120,996 Players
        5% of the total population - 6049.8 Players (Cheating as you imagine, which I would agree with or fairly close at least.)

        BF1 PC recent peak time population - 20,000 Players (Slightly more or less so let's say 20k)
        35% of peak time - 7000 Players

        So as you can see we're not too far off each others guesstimate tbf.

        Now I have done some research on 'extra skill downloads' but I won't include any discussion on that here as it's not permitted. The download numbers are rather alarming but that's not an accurate figure on which to base an assessment as players become inactive or are banned etc.

        So let's look at total current overall slots atm for BF1 PC.. all game modes, regions and sizes - 46,432. (This figure will naturally be changing)

        So for your 5% figure of cheating.. 6049.8 ... that would mean on all servers let's see .. 46,432 / 6049 = 7.67 avg slots used for cheating. This sounds close if you take into careful consideration.. closet cheaters, paid subscriptions, ESP.. all under the radar cheaters.

        Now, my 35% for 20,000 .. 7000 players potentially cheating currently and active. This may seem high however let's run the maths .. 46,432 slots available / 7000 = 6.6 avg slots being used for cheating.

        Now it gets a bit more tricky trying to work out how many are being used for each game size as it's impossible to know where the cheats are going to be playing but our figures actually aren't that far apart.

        Cheating in BF1 is still far too high and needs to be reigned in by means of a client-side until they further implement something better on the server-side.


      • Any chance this thread could be kept on the original topic of the annoying and useless messages that were recently introduced and not fall into the regular discussion about cheat stuff that resides in this thread:

      • Hey you know what DICE may use cheaters to sale servers...Seriously think about DICE servers don’t have live admins so making their game open for cheaters people may end up buying servers hahaha..

        .This game is joke from beginning..First unfinished product.Took 3 months to have DLC so many people already left on PC..Besides that medal system was and still one of the worst in any game..We have battlepacks that absolutely doesn’t make any sense.Took 5 months to have private servers fully operational..And now we have thousands of cheaters in this game plus couple hundreds of very annoying players..All in all i love game..I didn’t preorder game and I don’t have any dlc..I just play Vanilla maps...Dlcs will run soon out and not many people play DLCs on PC anyway..

        Like i said most left game long time ago and people who stayed and play this game on PC are ether dumb same as me or they not have anything better to do...On my Origin friend list i have 30 who played bf1 and now only 4-5 was left to play..Evryone else left game for good...DLCs wont help this game especially with this aimboting out of hands...

        My next game will be NFS and can’t wait to drive cars..At least I don’t have to deal with cheaters :)

        I have 3 of the Need for Speed titles. If you are looking for a non-cheat game, this is not the one.
        No anti-cheat and full of cheaters, including mods for multi-player and for single-player. Very sad because it is good game.
        Good Luck :|

      • soupy48 wrote: »

        I have 3 of the Need for Speed titles. If you are looking for a non-cheat game, this is not the one.
        No anti-cheat and full of cheaters, including mods for multi-player and for single-player. Very sad because it is good game.
        Good Luck :|

        Doesn't the newest NFS use FairFight?

      • Doesn't the newest NFS use FairFight?

        To be honest, I don't know.
        The three titles I am talking about are older ones.
        Good point, glad ya put that out there. Now that I think about it, I actually have four titles.
        I forgot about the Pro Street one. Odd thing is, that one used Punkbuster.
      • I know the newest one ( 2016? ) has FairFight and is devoid of PB at all.

        Not too sure about NFS Hot Pursuit, NFS Most Wanted, The Run, And Rivals.
      • I know the newest one ( 2016? ) has FairFight and is devoid of PB at all.

        Not too sure about NFS Hot Pursuit, NFS Most Wanted, The Run, And Rivals.

        Shift, Shift2 and Hot Pursuit have no anti-cheat. All great games. I own them.
      • Rivals dont have cheaters either..Beautiful game same as Run..Can't wait for new one to come out :)
      • IllIllIII wrote: »

        You're top 0.3% time played...
        It seems you are enjoying the game more then anyone else in this forum, but yet the game is horrible??......

        1. Depends upon what you mean by enjoy. For many of us long-time series players, it ain't so much the game as it is the crowd that we play with. I myself have been on the Field since the days of BF1942, and have pretty much been playing with the same group of guys since BF2 -- and it's more than a bit difficult to simply dump dozens of players that I've logged thousands of hours with in favor of a new game.
        2. Of course, what's really killing me is that I'm losing a lot of these guys anyways. Many of these players, peeps that have stuck with this game franchise through thick and thin -- suffering every moment of the first release of BF4, for example, freeze-crashes and all -- have nevertheless finally hit their breaking point and have left the series for greener pastures.
        3. A situation that was not helped at all by the purging of the clans. Many if not most long-time players seem to wind up in a clan sooner or later, and when this game opted to pull some ethnic cleaning on the clanners I'd guesstimate that roughly half of the clanners I tradtitionally played with just up and left.
        4. And even of the guys that remain, an awful lot of them have transformed from what I can only call absolute fanatical Field players into something a lot more...casual. They tend to show up now and them, play a round or two, and then head off to PubG or something similar -- a situation that stands in stark contrast to the way that they played in, say, BF4, where it was not at all unusual for many of these players to go ten rounds in a row, and often enough pulling marathon Battlefield gaming sessions where they would play for eight hours or more at a stretch.

      • 1. Depends upon what you mean by enjoy. For many of us long-time series players, it ain't so much the game as it is the crowd that we play with. I myself have been on the Field since the days of BF1942, and have pretty much been playing with the same group of guys since BF2 -- and it's more than a bit difficult to simply dump dozens of players that I've logged thousands of hours with in favor of a new game.
        2. Of course, what's really killing me is that I'm losing a lot of these guys anyways. Many of these players, peeps that have stuck with this game franchise through thick and thin -- suffering every moment of the first release of BF4, for example, freeze-crashes and all -- have nevertheless finally hit their breaking point and have left the series for greener pastures.
        3. A situation that was not helped at all by the purging of the clans. Many if not most long-time players seem to wind up in a clan sooner or later, and when this game opted to pull some ethnic cleaning on the clanners I'd guesstimate that roughly half of the clanners I tradtitionally played with just up and left.
        4. And even of the guys that remain, an awful lot of them have transformed from what I can only call absolute fanatical Field players into something a lot more...casual. They tend to show up now and them, play a round or two, and then head off to PubG or something similar -- a situation that stands in stark contrast to the way that they played in, say, BF4, where it was not at all unusual for many of these players to go ten rounds in a row, and often enough pulling marathon Battlefield gaming sessions where they would play for eight hours or more at a stretch.

        1. If you play something alot but you hate it you really gotta find a different purpose in life.
      • That's a bit insulting. If I was admin I'd ban you. You always post insults and are always off topic. You clearly don't have an issue with cheaters in bf1 so why continue to post off topic garbage here ?
      • 287martin wrote: »
        That's a bit insulting. If I was admin I'd ban you. You always post insults and are always off topic. You clearly don't have an issue with cheaters in bf1 so why continue to post off topic garbage here ?

        So you're asking mods to ban me now?...
        Kinda low.
      • It would probably be better if the " I've never seen a cheat" brigade didn't bother posting ! It's always the same people who also comment " I have zero problems must be your PC" on posts where the op is having problems running the game or a ton of " git gud" replies ! We get it ,the game runs great for you and you have only ever seen 1 person who may have been cheating . We get it now go away and play your perfect game ,we are all happy for you . But for some of us we have real annoyances with this game the cheats ,the lagg and the constant fixing and breaking by Dice
      • D5RAT wrote: »
        It would probably be better if the " I've never seen a cheat" brigade didn't bother posting ! It's always the same people who also comment " I have zero problems must be your PC" on posts where the op is having problems running the game or a ton of " git gud" replies ! We get it ,the game runs great for you and you have only ever seen 1 person who may have been cheating . We get it now go away and play your perfect game ,we are all happy for you . But for some of us we have real annoyances with this game the cheats ,the lagg and the constant fixing and breaking by Dice

        I am pretty sure in your eyes i am one if the "i've never seen a cheat brigade"
        And it is actually quite funny and clear that the "every server is full of cheaters brigade" do not care about or read others opinions.
        They rather go rant over and over that bf1 is unplayable ( because, yes also this brigade is repeating their experience for the last 120 pages) than actually read what the positive brigade has to tell.

        Ill repeat it again i have reported succesfully 9 players so far.
        And yes there were more closet cheaters probably, because when i spectated them they stopped shooting(spec alarm).

        So if you want us to stop replying in this thread i auggest the same for the people that rambles on about 5+ cheats per server....
      • IllIllIII wrote: »

        I am pretty sure in your eyes i am one if the "i've never seen a cheat brigade"
        And it is actually quite funny and clear that the "every server is full of cheaters brigade" do not care about or read others opinions.
        They rather go rant over and over that bf1 is unplayable ( because, yes also this brigade is repeating their experience for the last 120 pages) than actually read what the positive brigade has to tell.

        Ill repeat it again i have reported succesfully 9 players so far.
        And yes there were more closet cheaters probably, because when i spectated them they stopped shooting(spec alarm).

        So if you want us to stop replying in this thread i auggest the same for the people that rambles on about 5+ cheats per server....

        Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion like everyone else is but your comments seem to constantly belittle those who come here to share their experiences of BF1's cheating epidemic and it is nothing short of that term whether you want to accept it or not. You may well be extremely lucky to have only encountered a handful of obvious cheaters. I have encountered 32 so far and more than half of these are still playing away without being banned for over 9 months. (Obvious aimbots/staring through walls/shooting through smoke.) Then there are the rage cheats that have been in several servers over the last 2 weeks. I think I saw about 5. (3 were banned or left while playing.)

        The ''5+ cheaters per server'' was an average based off figures as of two weeks ago and the available amount of slots across all game modes/regions. The variables change every day but 5% of the total player base cheating is not an uneducated guesstimate. It is highly probable that that number is quite a bit higher than that in fact as not every dark alley was looked in to. 5% of pc population ( taking it as circa a little over 120k) equates to about 35% of the active player base currently by the way (~20k). This does not mean that there are 5 or 6 cheaters on every server/game-mode but it leaves the possibility there..

        Not all cheaters are online, active or not banned but there is still a much higher than average level of cheating in BF1 based on information available to everyone..
        plus AND HERE WE GO AGAIN... NO CLIENTSIDE SCANNER such as BE or PB exists in BF1 and there lies one of the biggest issues. Public cheats and ESP are going undetected for a long time now. I'll let you run some numbers and see how exactly cheating isn't as big an issue in BF1 that you keep preaching on about. Just because you have not run into as many does not mean they aren't out there on other servers. They are... the numbers back it up and the lack of client-side AC scanner/rootkit is the problem.


      • What bothers me the most out of all this is the destruction of the clan community by not allowing control of rented servers. The three clans I have belonged to and played with for many years are gone or have moved on to games that I am not interested in. If clans had control of their servers that would significantly reduce cheating. Basically all the cheaters would be playing each other on EA public servers. The clans have always been the backbone of the BF franchise and I cannot believe how EA has disrespected them.
      • @IllIllIII honestly you should just move on from this thred if game was perfect for you...No reason for you to be here unless you like to troll us...Seems to me that you always have something to add mostly arguing with evryone on cheat accusation and that already goes on my nerves...Won’t be good if i get more loud here..Calm down play your game and enjoy life :)
      • frankbama wrote: »
        What bothers me the most out of all this is the destruction of the clan community by not allowing control of rented servers. The three clans I have belonged to and played with for many years are gone or have moved on to games that I am not interested in. If clans had control of their servers that would significantly reduce cheating. Basically all the cheaters would be playing each other on EA public servers. The clans have always been the backbone of the BF franchise and I cannot believe how EA has disrespected them.

        My clan ran COD4 and BF3/4 servers for years and you are right . Activision and EA destroyed clan community by removing the ability to rent and admin your own servers at reasonable cost . Although the level of cheating was below BF1 proportion , punkbuster was not great at beating subscription cheats but as admin using punkbuster you could ban a player by GuiD, IP, partial ip ,name ,clan tag, punkbuster guid ect ect . Not infallible but 100x better than a kick button and an AC that is totally unable to detect simple ESP wallhacks.

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